Call for Applications
Polish Composers’ Union (Poland)
in partnership with
Berg Orchestra (Czechia)
Waves Bratislava (Slovakia)
UMZE Association (Hungary)
invite composers from the Visegrad Group countries to collaborate on the ‘Renewable Music. V4 Composers for sustainability’ project in the framework of the Creative Europe programme for 2023-2025.
- Project Description
The main objective of the project is to revive international cooperation after the COVID-19 pandemic and to raise awareness of the growing climate and energy crisis by developing environmentally friendly practices in the music sector. Four new pieces of music inspired by the idea of ‘renewability’ will be commissioned from selected composers representing the Visegrad Group countries. The commissioned pieces will be performed at four different concerts (in Warsaw, Prague, Bratislava, and Budapest), each by a local ensemble, whose members will be joined by musicians from partner countries as part of the international artist exchange programme. The concerts will take place in locations that will be adapted to the unique conditions of open-air concert sites, reflecting each location’s bond with the surrounding environment. The concerts will be accompanied by workshops, masterclasses, open rehearsals and lectures. The project will be summed up by an international conference devoted to the ideas of ecology and sustainable development in music.
Concert sites and ensembles
- Poland
Roof Garden of the University of Warsaw Library
Hashtag Ensemble - Czechia
Large Strahov Gardens in Prague
Berg Orchestra - Slovakia
Green Roof at the Bratislava Nivy Bus Station
EnsembleSpectrum - Hungary
The House Of Music in Budapest
UMZE Ensemble
- Submission Guidelines
The call is open to composers up to 35 years of age (born after 1 March 1988) representing the Visegrad Group countries (citizens of Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary, living in the country and abroad).
The new works for chamber music ensemble of 7 up to 10 instruments to be chosen from:
flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon / French horn, trumpet, trombone / small percussion instruments / violin, viola, cello, double bass
with optional use of electronics
will be commissioned from selected composers. Expected length of approximately 15-20 minutes, scores and parts of composition to be submitted by 31 March 2024.
Commission fee: 4000,00 EUR
Selected composers will be invited to take part in a series of workshops with music and ecology experts. The programme will include visiting concert sites in all partner countries as well as meetings with local ensembles’ representatives, which will facilitate working on new commissions.
The composers will lead masterclasses in all partner countries, sharing their newly gained knowledge and describing their creative process. They will also participate in rehearsals and concerts in all partner countries, supervising local premieres of their works.
The organisers cover all travel costs (train/bus tickets, accommodation, subsistence). The compensation for masterclasses is included in the commission fee.
The scores of the commissioned works will be made available online in the open access after the completion of the project.
- Application Documents
- biography note (including name and surname, date of birth, education, artistic achievements and awards, list of compositions),
- 2 previous scores (PDF files) and their recordings (mp3 files) – one deemed best by the composer and one with instrumentation as similar as possible to the one required in the call,
- detailed concept of the commissioned work and its open-air performance (including form, instrumentation, setting of musicians, composition techniques, references to ecology and renewable resources, e.g. the use of instruments from recycled materials),
- your definition of ‘renewable music’.
All listed documents (in English) must be sent through the Application Form by 15 June 2023, 11:59 p.m. CET.
- Selection Process
The selection process will be divided into two stages. The first stage will involve juries from partner countries to make initial selection of candidates on the basis of the submitted applications. The second stage will be based on online interviews with the chosen candidates conducted by the project consortium representatives. Four composers will be selected in the competition, one representing each country.
Composition of the Juries
Poland: Zygmunt Krauze, Jerzy Kornowicz, Aleksandra Demowska-Madejska
Czechia: Peter Vrábel, Slavomír Hořínka, Ondřej Adámek
Slovakia: Ľubica Čekovská, Robert Rudolf, Matej Sloboda
Hungary: László Tihanyi, Balázs Horváth, Péter Tornyai
Project Consortium: Mieczysław Kominek, Eva Kesslová, Oľga Smetanová, Béla Simon
- Timetable for the Call
Deadline for applications: 15 June 2023
Selection process: 15 June – 15 July 2023
Interviews with selected candidates: 15-30 July 2023
Announcement of the results: 31 July 2023
Workshops for selected composers: September 2023
Deadline for submitting scores and parts: 31 March 2024
Masterclasses, open rehearsals and concerts: June – September 2024
International Conference: November 2024
- Online Information Meeting
All interested composers are invited to participate in an online meeting with project representatives, having the opportunity to learn more about the call and ask detailed questions regarding its terms and conditions.
Date: May 2023 (exact date to be confirmed on the project website)
Form: online meeting on the Zoom platform (prior registration required)
- Further Information
The organizers reserve the right to introduce changes to the call in case of unexpected circumstances.
Any questions regarding the call should be directed to: office@renmus.eu
More information about the project: www.renmus.eu